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The chief executive of Rothamsted Research is the institute director, Professor Angela Karp. Professor Karp reports to the Rothamsted Research Board of Trustee Directors and leads the institute's executive management team. The team is supported by the institute management committee and the science directors committee.


The Board of Trustee Directors is Chaired by Professor Sir John Beddington. Dr Oliver Doubleday is the Deputy Chair, and with a further 7 Trustee Directors the Board they are legally and ethically responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the Charity. The Board is collectively responsible for promoting the success of the Charity by directing and supervising the Charity’s affairs. Its role is to provide leadership within a framework of prudent and effective controls, which enable risk to be assessed and managed. Board positions are renewable, 4-year appointments and are unremunerated; we welcome enquiries from candidates at any time. The Institute is very grateful to all who freely give up their time for its benefit.



The Science and Impact Advisory Board regularly evaluates the scientific quality of Rothamsted's research programmes and the impact the research has made or is intended to make for the farming and food industry, society and the environment. The SIAB focuses on two main areas Science (quality, novelty, focus, resources) and Innovation and Impact (culture, translation, entrepreneurship, commercialization, partnerships, pathways to impact, evidence for impact, opportunities for more impact).Recommendations made by this group are considered for action by the Rothamsted Research Executive Team and Management Committee, as well as the Rothamsted Research Board and other members of Rothamsted Research, including UKRI-BBSRC and the Lawes Agricultural Trust.



Rothamsted Research is primarily funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Science Research Council (BBSRC), and also receives funding from other government bodies, levy Boards charities and industry. The breadth of funding serves the range of activities undertaken by the Institute and contributes to its strength across the spectrum of users and beneficiaries. The financial regimes become more complex as wider funding sources are utilised, partnerships become increasingly multifaceted and intellectual property management receives greater attention. However, we believe that careful attention to diverse opportunities and enthusiasm to engage with new customers ensures that the UK captures value from its investment in a high quality science base.


The Lawes Agricultural Trust (LAT) supports Rothamsted Research’s national and international agricultural science through the provision of land facilities and funding. The estates at Harpenden and Broom's Barn, including many of the buildings used by Rothamsted Research are owned by LAT through its corporate trustee LAT Company Ltd, which is also a charitable company. LAT provides an annual research grant to the Director, accommodation for nearly 200 people in differing housing facilities, and support for fellowships for young scientists from developing countries. The Trust also makes capital grants to help modernise facilities at Rothamsted, or invests in new buildings.


The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences research Council (BBSRC) is one of seven research councils that work together as UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and are funded by the UK Government's Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). It strategically funds selected research institutes in the UK, and a number of centres, tasked with delivering innovative, world class bioscience research and training in agriculture, bioenergy, biotechnology, food and drink and pharmaceuticals. These institutes maintain unique research facilities of national importance and they have strong links with business, industry and the wider community, and support policy development. BBSRC provides funding for the Rothamsted's research programmes and core capabilities through a variety of competitive mechanisms, including strategic programmes and core capability grants. BBSRC also owns most of the land and assets at Rothamsted’s North Wyke site.


Rothamsted Research publishes both statutory annual reports via Companies House and informational annual reviews which can be found a tthe link below: